Tuesday, September 1, 2015

God is Good

Okay. Here we are again. Another week is gone.

It's crazy cuz it feels like the weeks go by so fast but at the same time so much happens in a week that it feels more like a month has gone by. I must really be a missionary now cuz I've had a dream almost every night this week and they're all about missionary work: inviting people to church, giving out book of mormons. Haha
This week has been exhausting. Emotionally and physically. Cool story to start out with. So we had goals for last week for our key indicators and then Saturday night we were looking at our goals and we had a goal of getting 4 new investigators this last week; and we hadn't gotten any all week. So we said "Ok, tomorrow (Sunday) our goal needs to be to get 4 new investigators. We know that it is a God inspired goal so we know we can achieve it." So we went to the map, prayed to Heavenly Father to let us know which streets we needed to be on. Then we each picked 5 streets individually, then we came together and found ones that matched up with each others and prayed about when we should go to those streets. So yesterday our day ended up getting complicated. We had made a dinner appointment with a less-active but then they called us that morning and we had thought they cancelled. So we made a different dinner appointment with a member. After church we called up the less-active to see if we could still come over and give a lesson and they told us that they had been slaving all day to prepare this meal for us! So we were like ah! This is no good. So our schedule ended up being crazy and long story short we ended up with just a little over an hour last night to tract. And we still had no new investigators. We prayed which streets focus on, lo and behold 3 new investigators!! Prime investigators! In 1 night, in 1 hour. It was amazing. That story loses a bit of umph since it wasn't our goal of 4...but it was still an amazing miracle! We met a lady named Lamonica, and she hated her name. She said, "Man I hate my name. Lamonica. Why couldn't my momma give me a normal name. Like London?" Mmm..yes.

So I know that as long as we are in tune with the Spirit and have faith, miracles really happen. 
We ran into this one lady who the sisters had contacted a couple weeks ago. She's a professor at one of the community colleges here in Orangeburg. And she teaches a death and dying psychology class and invited us to come talk about our beliefs about the after life! So we handed a plan of salvation pamphlet and said, "Well this is what we would be going over". 

We went to a buffet restaurant this last week with a family in the ward and one of the girls wanted chocolate ice cream. They had those normal ice cream machines that you find at restaurants but they didn't have a handle to get the chocolate ice cream out, only the vanilla! So I was so confused but I thought "Maybe you just have to slide the lever from the vanilla over to the chocolate". But it ended up being a lot more complicated than I thought. So I ended up accidentally taking apart their ice cream machine...and the lady came over and got mad at me. And yes..apparently they just like you to look at the chocolate ice cream and never get it. I tried to explain to her and she just told me you can't get chocolate ice cream. So that was lummy..but whatever. Missionaries prolly shouldn't disassemble ice cream machines in restaurants. Oops.

But everything is going great here! I'm starting to love orangeburg more and the ward. I still love my comps so that's a plus! And I love my district they are all awesome and intimidating. Because all of the elders in our district are the ZL's, AP's and our district leader. But that just means they are all great! It is finally starting to cool off a little but that's just cuz it's hurricane season and we are supposed to be feeling the effects of Erica sometime this week! Woo hoo! Hurricanes!!

I love you all and hope the world is treating you well!! 

Sister Johanson

So this first one is of me and Sister Barnson on our last night in
Anderson. That's our area map behind us.
Then we went to Edisto Gardens and they had turtles and ducks! I knew
that we needed pictures together. But then my comps liked the idea of
turtle selfies and took some too hehe. (Last picture) that's us
leaning as far as we could over the bridge railing trying to get a
picture with the turtles.
Second picture.. Fun game. How many turtles can you see in the

picture? I'll give you a hint, there's at least 5 :)

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