Well, can I even remember this week?
It feels like so much has happened that nothing has happened. I guess the biggest thing for this week was when we got to go to Columbia and help out with some flood damage. Man, it was so crazy and sad. The house that we helped out with was built like a beach house. It was on some pretty high stilts and it still go flooded to the second floor. The area we were in the water came up about 18 feet. That's right, feet not inches. When we first got there we started cleaning off the furniture that they were trying to keep. Just thick layers of mud covered the entire thing. Just walking to the house, every house on that block and just piles of stuff out in the front of the yard that had been ruined and things they had to get rid of. They had to completely strip the insides of their house. Man it was so sad. We went up with Brother and Sister Redmond (the bishopric counselor and relief society president in our ward). We worked from about 10 am til 4:30 pm. We are really hoping we can get out some more this week and help out.
On a great note, we had some investigators at church yesterday!!! Our one friend Donald showed up late tho, heard the end of a talk and thought that the service was over so he went to a different church. But he'll come next time and hopefully we can help him out more. But one really cool experience. We went to contact a bible referral we got and the guy didn't live there anymore. But his friend, who just moved from India, wanted a bible and a Book of Mormon. She was Hindu but she loves her Savior Jesus Christ. We were able to start teaching her about prophets and the beginning of lesson 1. She was so humble and teachable. It was different teaching someone without a Christian background but it was soo neat.
Let's see, things happening...I guess it's notable to say that we are going to be having some miracles happen these next few weeks. So if you could just pray for us that would be awesome. We're looking forward to some trials, because we know miracles only come after the trial of your faith.
This is not a super upbeat email..but you have to read it anyway!
I guess funny moments of the week, we are teaching this one lady and every single time we show up she's in her bathrobe. The first time we taught her she didn't go change so she was just like flashing us the entire lesson. But now she'll go change. But for some reason, we'll call her 30 minutes before our appointments and she just thinks she has time to hurry and shower and is so surprised when we show up and she is still in her bathrobe. Ha people out here are so funny. They get so mad at you for calling during work or for coming to their house when they are only partially dressed. Advice for everyone: if you don't have clothes on, please don't answer the door. But anyways.
I really love missionary work. Something that I'm stealing from Elder Kimzey's email from a few weeks ago. "If you don't love missionary work, you won't like heaven."
I know that this gospel is true. And I love it!!
Have a blessed one :)
Love, Sister Johanson Jr.
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