Well kids,
What a week! I'm not sure how much I liked it.... The unthinkable happened, I'm being transferred!! We are being whitewashed. It makes sense cuz I'm still in training but it only crossed my mind slightly so I wasn't expecting it at all. I am so so sad. I love these people so much and my investigators and this place!! Man. But it's ok. God has another plan for me and the people here.
This week has just been one adventure after another. We took our car in to be fixed on Monday and they didn't fix it. So we took it in on Friday and they still have it. So, we are still without a car. When it did work for the few days we had it this week, Sister Barnson got it stuck in a ditch and pulled the entire front bumper off. Last Monday we spent all day with Sister Killough as she drove us around town to do our errands. But she was sick and gave Sister Barnson the sickness. Then Sister Barnson gave it to me. So, it's just been one thing after another this week.
Then I found out I was being transferred on Saturday. Our investigators also decided to lose all contact with us this week. But the sun does still shine in South Carolina. Everything is gonna be ok, we hadn't seen one of our investigators since our last appointment a week and a half ago before she went on her trip and that lesson had gone so bad. So, we've been really worried about her and she wasn't answering any of our texts or calls. But then she showed up to church yesterday and loved it!
We got to help Joey and Karen paint their house cuz they just moved in and that was really fun. Joey is finally being our friend...he's got the best paper towels man. Jeff believes the Book of Mormon is true. Janice is just my favorite person to teach ever. Just to physically see her progression is amazing. Oh my goodness!!
We went over to the Lomax's the other night and taught them about how to apply the scriptures to ourselves. We acted out Nephi getting the plates and Abinadi. They were the funniest, we ended up getting the point across at the end. But at the beginning, Sister Lomax was pretty sure the moral of the story to Nephi was if you need to get something, you got to chop someone's head off. We made sure she didn't think that at the end of our lesson.
Whale, I think that's all. I hope you all are doing fantastic and getting back into school ok. I love you all and wish you..good things.
God really does take care of us always and His plan is always greater than ours. I'm excited to see all of Joshy photos next week and give him hugs for me!!
Love you!!
Sister Ali Johanson
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