Hello people of all kindreds, nations, and tongues! This is me! And the last of me as Sister Johanson. Man oh man! I think one of my favorite people to be has been to be Sister Johanson.
(if you are reading this, you probably impacted me in my mission in some way shape or form)
Do I report on what happened to me this last week? I don't even know, I've never been in this position before. Well, this last week was great! We had so many miracles happen and so many awesome people we found! We went and delivered a bible to a lady who lives out in Pineville (about 40 minutes away from where we live) and we taught her about the restoration and the book of mormon and invited her and her daughter to come to church. And they did! That was such a blessing. The ward pounced on them, but it's ok because they took it well:)
We also saw many miracles with the people that we have been teaching, and it's been way cool.
Yesterday I was asked to bear my testimony in sacrament meeting and so leading up to that and during the sacrament all the emotions just started flooding in. I kept wondering "What the heck am I supposed to say? This is my last formal testimony on my mission. It's got to encompass everything I've ever experienced, said, done, grown from, learned about!" And it was! But only because as I sat and partook of the sacrament I just felt like I knew what Joseph Smith meant when he said that the atonement of Jesus Christ is at the center of everything that we believe and teach within the church, and that everything else is just appendages to it. And I just fully believe that. I have SO many things that I have learned and become while on my mission. So many wonderful people that I have met, so many different miracles that I have been able to experience. It's just been so good! Being a missionary is just the best!! But all that it really comes down to is how much I really learned about my Savior Jesus Christ. That is who I have represented these last 18 months and that's who I hope to become as I continue my life as His disciple.
I believe all that I have learned and experienced while on my mission can just be summed up in my testimony that Jesus Christ is the Savior and Redeemer of the world and that He has paid the ultimate sacrifice for us to return to live with our Father in Heaven. I know it's because of Him that we can live joyfully in every moment that we experience in this life.
It's been such a blessing to have served around every single one of you individuals. I truly believe that you have touched my life in a way that nobody else could have. So thanks again for all of your loving service to me and to everyone else that's been around you. You guys are great people! I love you all!! :D
The church is true and the gospel has been restored. I know this work is the most important work we have been commanded to do. I love it so much!
I hope you all have a great week! I'll see some of you soon :)
Sister Johanson
(I would include a picture...but I have none. Sorry mom)
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